Stop tossing and turning - get the best sleep anytime, anywhere!
Stop tossing and turning - get the best sleep anytime, anywhere!
Take the quiz created by Neuroscientists & Nutritional Psychiatrists to create your personal mental hygiene solution.
Our commitment to delivering accessible and effective products drives everything we do. You won't find any fillers or added sugar in our products. Only what your brain needs to thrive.
Dr. Raghu Appasani is an Integrative Psychiatrist, Neuroscientist, and Social Entrepreneur focused on bridging the gap between western and eastern practices to create a wholesome society by taking a proactive approach to health.
Dr. Nicole Beurkens is the world's leading holistic child psychologist. She has dedicated her 25 year career to providing parents with simple, effective, research-based strategies that get to the root of children's attention, anxiety, mood, and behavior challenges so they can reach their highest potential.
PYM discovered that people were only prioritizing their mental health when they had severe symptoms. We need people to prioritize their mental health on a daily basis and want to make the idea of taking care of your mental health as easy and important as consistently brushing your teeth. With that in mind, we hope you will join our mission for mental hygiene- daily rituals relating to mental wellbeing that enable us to prioritize our minds’ healthy and optimal functioning every single day. No more fake moods, no more waking up on the wrong side of the bed, time for a consistent foundation for a strong, resilient and healthy mind. A better life starts with better days.
Get daily mental hygiene tips and laugh about the anxious thoughts we all share!
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