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How To Get Inspired


How To Get Inspired

It seems like when you really need to find a source of inspiration, no matter why you may need it, it can sometimes play hard to get. 

Whether you’re trying to write a speech, painting, writing, or just wanting to redecorate your home, inspiration is incredibly important to getting the creative juices flowing. 

Those of us here at PYM are no strangers to needing to find a source of creativity, and understand just how stressful and frustrating it can be when it doesn’t seem to come naturally. We’re here to help, with a list of suggestions on how to get inspired, even when it seems impossible.

Firstly, Don’t Give Up!

One of the important keys to finding inspiration is to stick with it. It can be really easy to give up when it gets hard, to walk away before giving inspiration a chance to strike. But where would we be if Hemingway or Van Gogh would have given up before finishing their various masterpieces? The world would be a whole lot less beautiful, that’s for sure.

When inspiration seems to be hard to find, that inner voice can start to get louder and louder. That negative self talk can take over, telling you that you’re not good enough or talented or capable of doing anything that is worth anything. 

You have to learn how to shut that voice off, or at least turn the volume down a few notches, so that you can give yourself the time and space to let creativity shine through. 

Flip the script, and try to tell yourself that you can do it, and that you are good enough. It will help you stick with it and push through those times that it doesn’t seem to come quite as naturally.

Change Up Your Scenery

For some people, inspiration only strikes at various places. Some need to be outside in nature, while others work best when they’re sequestered with very little human interaction. 

When that works, it works. But when it doesn’t work, continuing to do the same thing over and over without getting the results that you want obviously won’t get you anywhere. It becomes really easy to get locked into a habit, a groove so to speak. 

However, if you’ve been trying and trying and nothing is happening, it may be time to change up your scenery. Try working outside in nature, or even just in a different room of the house. You may be surprised by how little tiny changes like that can help boost your creativity level and even give you a whole new source of inspiration.

Monitor Your Mood

Although sticking with it and pushing through is a great idea to help you tame that negative self talk and not give up before creativity strikes, you also need to know when to take a step back. 

Part of that is monitoring your mood, and being able to recognize when you are too stressed out to be able to be creative.

Studies that have been performed on the actual science behind creativity have shown that stress can be a literal killer of inspiration. 

If you feel your stress level starting to rise, take a break. Consider trying a PYM Mood Chew to help manage the hormones that can negatively impact the mood and cause you to feel extra overwhelmed. In the 20 minutes or so that it takes for it to start to take effect, you can take a breather, maybe go for a quick walk, or even consider meditating for a few minutes. 

Sometimes that time away to give your brain a break is exactly what it needs to dig down deep and find that creative spark. 

Try Not To Put A Time Limit On It

Obviously, there are times where you have to abide by a strict time limit for your creative endeavors. But, if at all possible, try to relieve some of the pressure by giving yourself as much time as possible to finish your projects. 

When you put too much of a time constraint on things, it naturally increases the stress and anxiety that surrounds the project. 

The more time that you have, the more you can relax into the creative process. There’s nothing that’s more of a creativity killer than being under the gun and forced into it.

Sleep On It

If it’s not happening, it’s not happening. If you’ve taken the advice to give yourself plenty of time to create, taking a break and getting a good night’s rest can really help. 

In fact, research that has been done has shown that creativity and proper sleep are directly linked. So if you’re really not feeling it, and creativity really isn’t coming, don’t force it. Head to bed, get a proper night’s sleep, and try again in the morning. You’ll be able to approach things with a new set of eyes and a refreshed mood.

That can also help to remind you that pulling an all-nighter really isn’t good for you and, in fact, it can actually significantly hamper the creative process. When your brain isn’t firing on all cylinders, it’s more prone to anxiety and giving up. 

Sleep is good for you, both body and soul, so don’t put that on the back burner in a mad dash to complete your project on time. At the very least, take a nap.

In Conclusion

While inspiration can strike, it can also need a little coaxing. When you need to find your creativity and it isn’t coming naturally, having a few helpful hints that you can fall back on can really help. 

You’ll be able to dig down deep and create a real work of art, without all the stress and pressure that can come along with it. PYM can help you reduce your stress level enough to allow you to focus on what really counts. 


Negative Self-Talk - Psychology Today 

The science of creativity - American Psychological Association 

Sleep and Creativity - Psychology Today