The Spectrum of Mental Health
Mental Health is not black & white
Whether you’ve experienced it in your own life, a family member’s, or have just seen it portrayed on TV, mental health stigma is real and very prevalent in our world today. The prejudice and discrimination towards those struggling with mental illness has created a culture where many people feel shame and reluctance to seek help for their mental health.
But, like anything else in life, mental health exists on a spectrum. Everyone has it. Mental health affects every one of us and how we think, feel, and act. Mental health and mental illness, while often used interchangeably, are not the same thing. Just as our physical health can change with time, we can experience many different mental health conditions throughout our lifetime. Sometimes we may experience periods where our mental and social well-being is particularly strong, other times it may be poor. If someone broke their leg, you wouldn’t tell them to suck it up and keep walking. Our mental health, and the way our brains function, should be treated with this same compassion.
Break the stigma
Today, more and more people are talking about what mental health really means, and creating a culture that promotes understanding and openmindedness around this often misunderstood topic. Many celebrities, athletes, and other public figures have publicly shared their own experiences with mental health, breaking the stigma and preconceived notions about what someone struggling with mental health looks like. Because, mental health looks like all of us. While stigmas certainly still exist, the fact that so many people are becoming more comfortable openly discussing mental health is very powerful. These conversations not only change the narrative, but can help those struggling feel less isolated and alone, and even help create more innovative solutions for improving mental health.
If you’re struggling with your mental health, know that you are certainly not alone. Looking to improve your mental health is not a sign of weakness. If anything, choosing to work on yourself is a sign of strength. So, where do you begin?
Prioritizing your mental health looks different for everyone; it’s especially dependent on how you feel on a day-to-day basis.
Improving your mental health literacy is a great place to start. Reading up on the differences between mental health and mental illness can strengthen your understanding and help create a more positive attitude towards the topics. We may be biased, but we think our blog is a great place to start.
Feel empowered to prioritize yourself
A great question to ask yourself is: how can I show up for myself today?
The answer looks different for everybody. Maybe it’s a therapy session or a morning meditation. If the news is making you feel anxious, maybe you step away from doom scrolling for a few hours. Maybe you choose to lay under a gravity blanket and do some gratitude journaling. Maybe it’s popping a few mood-boosting PYM Mood Chews before a stressful day. Whatever you choose, we’re proud of you for putting yourself, and your mental health, first.