What Do You Do With A Problem?
Life isn’t always easy. But, what do you do with a problem? Some people like to ignore them until they become so big that you can’t anymore. Others like to deal with them just enough to make them go away, even though they are likely to pop back up sooner rather than later.
However, the best way of dealing with a problem is to really dig in and tackle it directly. If that makes you anxious to think about, take a PYM Mood Chew to settle your mind, and let’s break it down.
Is There Really a Problem?
So, what do you do with a problem? First, and most importantly, you have to figure out if there really is a problem at all.
Be aware that the way that you talk to yourself can make a difference here, as well. If you’re the type of person who has constant dialogue telling yourself that you’re not good enough or that bad things are always happening to you, you’re far more likely to make a mountain out of a molehill.
By helping to reduce that negative self talk, and replacing it with more positive thinking, you may actually find that there really isn’t a problem there at all?
Take a look at things from as neutral a perspective as possible. Is it something that can be fixed, or something that only time will help?
You don’t want to spend your precious time and energy working on a problem that doesn’t actually have a solution. It can help to write things down, as well. If your problem is a complicated one, you can also break it down into steps that you can check off as you work on them.
Try Some Mindfulness
If you’re still trying to figure out what to do with your problem, try practicing some mindfulness. When we encounter struggle, it’s natural for our brains to jump into overdrive. We think about all of the times in the past that we may have failed (especially in similar situations), we worry about all of the potential ramifications of what may happen as a result of what we’re dealing with. So much of that takes us out of what is actually happening at the present moment. Unfortunately, because we’re living in the present moment, we often miss the obvious ways that we can change things for the better right now.
With a little mindfulness, we can recenter ourselves and think about what changes we can make in the present to help fix the problem. Remember, it’s impossible to change anything about what’s happened in the past, and you can’t really see into the future. All you can do is live in the moment.
Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help
So, what’s next with revamping your personal idea of what to do with a problem? Learning to ask for help when you need it. This can be a really scary idea for a lot of people, who are unconsciously told that asking for help makes you weak.
However, the opposite is true in most cases. Asking for help when you need it really is an act of strength. Making yourself vulnerable, if you have the right people that will help you and not judge you for it, also reminds you of how much love and support you have in your life.
At the very least, people who are outside of whatever situation that you’re dealing with may have a different perspective and other ideas of what you can do about it. It can be like a brainstorming session, and you can also bounce your own ideas about it that can help you flesh out the best plan possible.
Look For The Lesson
What do you do with a problem once you’ve identified it and are actively working toward a solution? Instead of getting single minded, make sure that you’re also looking at the bigger picture.
Problems are more than just their solutions, and there can be bigger lessons that you can learn by going through them.
Whether you’re learning to ask for help, learning that you may need to pursue a different job or relationship, or just learning that you really can trust yourself to be strong enough to get through anything, don’t let a situation pass you by without being able to learn something from it. After all, that’s what life is really about.
Don’t Let It Overwhelm You
Stress can get really overwhelming really quickly. Instead of letting your problem build and build, take some steps to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself as well. PYM Mood Chews can help support you while you’re going through those periods of stress, and take at least one thing off the table that you can stop worrying about.
Stress can also really affect the appetite. People who are under stress, especially acute stress, have a tendency to either stop eating entirely or overeat. You likely already know which way you tend to go, on a personal level.
However, it’s important to make sure that you continue to eat healthy, especially when you’re feeling anxious. Filling the body with things like sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, or not giving it anything at all, only worsens your stress. Both also make it more difficult to think clearly, which is what you need to do when you’re figuring out what to do with your problem.
We know there’s so much more to it than simply not getting overwhelmed, but giving your body mood-supporting nutrients is an easy way to make the rest of it easier.
In Summary
So, what do you do with a problem? Instead of sticking your head in the stand or letting it overwhelm you, deal with it head on. Figure out how big of an issue it really is, find a solution, and don’t lose yourself in the process.
PYM understands that stress can be a normal part of life, and we want to help you in any way that we can. Life is going to be full of problems and issues, so learning how to deal with them in a healthy way is incredibly important.
Positive thinking: Reduce stress by eliminating negative self-talk - Mayo Clinic