Adolescent Mental Health: PYM Partners with Bring Change to Mind
Cyber Monday Deal Extended for Giving Tuesday!! Get 30% off site-wide with code PYM30. 10% of sales will be donated to Bring Change to Mind, a nonprofit with the mission to end the stigma around mental health.
Did you know, that PYM regularly donates 1% of all sales to Bring Change to Mind, a mental health nonprofit?
Bring Change to Mind's mission is to end the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental illness, and focuses especially on supporting adolescents.
Teens & Mental Health
The mental health of teens in the United States is worsening at alarming rates. A report by the CDC found that:
- In 2021, more than 4 in 10 (42%) students felt persistently sad or hopeless and nearly one-third (29%) experienced poor mental health.
- In 2021, more than 1 in 5 (22%) students seriously considered attempting suicide and 1 in 10 (10%) attempted suicide.
It's more important now than ever to support the mental health of our nation's youth, and that's why PYM partners with Bring Change to Mind.
Upon reflecting on why PYM partners with Bring Change to Mind, PYM Co-Founder Zak Williams says, "As a mental health advocate and Co-Founder of PYM, I've learned that healing comes not just from what we consume, but also from the actions we take.
Our partnership with Bring Change to Mind is more than charity--it's a testament to the power of empathy and community in mental wellness. Every step we take with this incredible organization helps break down the barriers of mental health stigma. This journey mirrors my personal mission and PYM's ethos- to create a world where caring for our mental health is as natural as caring for our physical health."
More about Bring Change to Mind
Bring Change to Mind was founded by actress Glenn Close, when her sister told her she couldn't stop thinking about ending her life. It wasn't until her sister's 50's that she was finally diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.
Glenn believes that it took so long for her sister to get diagnosed because of the stigma surrounding mental illness. That's why she founded Bring Change to Mind, to break the mental illness stigma and get people talking about these things more.
Now, Bring Change to Mind supports breaking the stigma of mental illness by fundraising for mental health research, providing tools and resources to help people to talk about mental illness, running student programs, and more.
We encourage you to learn more about Bring Change to Mind and how you can support the mission if you're interested!
How PYM & Bring Change to Mind work together to break the mental illness stigma
As part of our partnership with Bring Change to Mind, PYM donates 1% of sales to support the development of mental health support communities in high schools throughout the United States. And for Giving Tuesday, PYM is donating 10% of sales!
Donations to the organization will always go towards creating and launching public awareness campaigns focused around breaking down the stigma associated with mental health.
Additionally, Bring Change to Mind hosts an annual Revels and Revelations fundraiser, where the Robin Williams Legacy of Laughter Award is presented by Zak and his siblings Zelda and Cody. This year, the award was presented to Ryan Reynolds.