How Daylight Savings Affects Your Mood


How Daylight Savings Affects Your Mood

A few easy mood-boosting tips before daylight savings time starts.

It’s time to spring forward. This Sunday, March 13 marks the start of Daylight Savings Time (DST) that impacts most time zones. Most of us have become so accustomed to setting our clocks an hour ahead (or an hour behind come November) that we don’t even really stop to recognize the implications this time-held tradition has on our mood. 

Your Mood on Daylight Savings Time 

Turning our clocks to Daylight Savings Time only requires a one hour change. While this may seem harmless, it has a multitude of side effects on our mood, habits, and all around bodily function. 

As we change our clocks, our internal, biological clocks feel the effects as well. All of us have a circadian rhythm – a 24-hour cycle that regulates our sleep. It helps stay alert during the day and allows us to get sleepy come nighttime so we can get restorative rest that’ll keep us perky for the day ahead. Even a one-hour shift is enough to throw our circadian rhythms out of whack. Our bodies take time to adjust to the new sleep-wake cycle and as we adjust our sleep is disturbed. This means we may be restless at night and take a long time to fall asleep. We may get sleepy easily the next day since we didn’t get the good, quality sleep our bodies need. 

Sleep, or lack thereof, can greatly affect our mood. A poor night’s sleep can make you feel more irritable, anxious, angry, sad, and stressed. It can also negatively affect our concentration levels, memory, and motor skills.

Not only does sleep affect our moods, but our moods affect our sleep. It’s a vicious cycle in which the anxieties, stress and frustrations we feel from our sleep deprivation also can keep us up at night and prevent us from getting any good sleep at all. 

How to Make The Daylight Savings Transition Easier

Eventually, our bodies adjust to the changes, but in the meantime we understand if you’d like to speed up the process and get out of the Daylight Savings Time funk. Luckily, there are some environmental and personal changes you can make to make the transition to DST a bit easier this year. Here’s what we recommend for daylight savings stress management. 

1. Let The Light In

Our body’s internal clock is extremely sensitive to light. If you’re finding it hard to wake up, try sleeping with your blinds open just a bit. The sunlight will help you wake up and feel more alert. Sunlight also increases your serotonin levels, the happy, mood-boosting hormone. Try to get sunlight in the morning to help reset your circadian rhythm. Studies have even found 30 minutes of sunlight before 9am may positively impact symptoms of anxiety and depression.

2. Spend More Time Outside

Fresh air is good for the mind, body, and soul. If you’re feeling a bit down in the dumps or have low energy due to the clocks moving forward, make some time in your schedule to go outside. Go for a walk or get some sort of physical activity in. Not only will it keep you from feeling sluggish, but it should tire you out a bit and help you fall asleep easier. Taking small breaks outside throughout the day can reset your circadian rhythm and may also reduce risk factors of mental illness.

3. Try a PYM Mood Chew

PYM Mood Chews can help you manage a few side effects of disturbed sleep especially if you are feeling overwhelmed. The formula targets feelings of stress and worry, so you should feel a bit more at ease after having a chew or two. At the end of the day, all of these negative side effects stem from poor sleep. With relaxation-inducing ingredients like GABA and L-Theanine, PYM can help you quiet your mind and get the restorative rest you deserve. 

Okay, time to spring ahead. We hope these tips help you make the most of this transitional period and that you continue to prioritize your mental health.