How To Get Rid Of Brain Fog


How To Get Rid Of Brain Fog

Ah, the dreaded brain fog. It always seems to happen when you need to get things done, and you find yourself spacing out when you should be concentrating. The good news is that there are ways that you can help to clear out that brain fog. PYM would like to share what we’ve learned about what brain fog is and how you can get back to a clearer headspace. 

What Causes Brain Fog?

Part of knowing how to get rid of brain fog is in knowing what actually causes it. While brain fog isn’t a diagnosable medical condition, it is something that many medical professionals recognize as a frequent complaint of many people. Some of the more common causes of brain fog include:

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Hormonal changes (like during pregnancy or menopause)
  • Medications
  • Stress
  • Vitamin deficiencies (like B12)
  • An unhealthy diet
  • Dehydration
  • Chemotherapy
  • Various health conditions (migraines, thyroid problems, diabetes, depression, etc.)

Tackling brain fog involves taking a look at which of those factors may be contributing to your brain fog so that you can directly deal with them and clear it out.

Get Better Sleep

Starting from the top, one of the best ways to help yourself have a clearer mind is to focus on getting better, more quality sleep. There are two different facets of sleep - getting enough sleep and getting deeper sleep. Generally speaking, the Center for Disease Control recommends that all adults over the age of 18 get at least seven hours of sleep a night. However, even if you get that recommended seven hours, if you don’t get “good” sleep, it can sometimes feel like you’re not getting any. 

Making sure that you set a good environment for sleep (including removing your technology), trying to reduce all of the potential distractions or things that could wake you up during the night, and giving yourself extra time to fall asleep can all help you to sleep deeper, as well. Both of these factors are important for getting the right type of sleep, which means that you’re far less likely to have brain fog.

Pay Attention To Your Medications

If you’re taking medication, it’s likely for a reason. However, if you’re getting brain fog from any of your medications, it’s a good idea to check with your medical provider. They may have recommendations for different timing (like taking a medication that may make you drowsy at night instead of in the morning) or even suggestions on switching meds out. Don’t make any changes without contacting your doctor, but don’t suffer in silence either.

Face Your Stress

Stress is definitely one of the leading causes of brain fog for a variety of different reasons. People who suffer from anxiety, especially significant anxiety that leads to anxiety attacks, can also deal with something known as disassociation. This can look a lot of different ways, but most commonly, it presents as that “zoned out” feeling. If you’re able to deal with the root cause of your anxiety and treat it with whatever medications and supplements are needed to keep it at a manageable level (try PYM Mood Chews to help manage your feelings of stress and anxiety), you may notice less brain fog.

Overhaul Your Diet

Your diet can also play a major role in causing (and fixing) brain fog. That happens in a variety of different ways. For one, various vitamin and mineral deficiencies (like B-12) can make you feel less focused and clear-minded. Unfortunately, many people do deal with B-12 deficiency because of their eating habits. Specifically, people who eat a mostly vegetarian or vegan diet can struggle with this and will likely need a supplement to help boost it back into a normal range.

The amount of sugar in your diet can also play a part in brain fog. If your diet has a lot of white sugar in it, it can naturally create large swings in your blood glucose. Both those buzzy sugar highs and those foggy sugar lows can mess with your ability to focus and concentrate. You don’t have to cut out all sugar, but making sure to take a clear look at your diet and cutting back on refined sugars can be a great start. Instead of white or refined sugar, try consuming natural sugar in the form of organic dates, fruits etc.

Carbs are also important to manage. Even though they are demonized in the media, complex carbs are important to a healthy, well-rounded diet. Simple carbs can create many of the same problems as sugar, especially if you’re not balancing them out.

Drink More Water

And finally, one of the most simple but effective ways to help reduce your brain fog is to make sure that you’re not dehydrated. If you don’t get enough water in your day, it can cause many of your body systems to not run at their highest level. Not only is this bad for your body (and your kidneys, more specifically), it can also cause your brain not to be capable of staying clear and focused.

While the amount of water that is recommended changes depending on who you ask, making sure that you drink “enough” is essential. A good rule of thumb is to drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water every day. Eating fruits and vegetables that have a high water content can also count toward that daily goal. Pat attention to the color of your urine when you go to the bathroom. If it’s very yellow and has an odor, you likely need more water. If it’s mostly clear, you’re probably hydrated enough. Now go grab yourself a glass of water!

In Summary

Brain fog is one of the more annoying things that people encounter. It’s hard when you need to focus on a project, and you can’t seem to break through to get to that level of concentration that you need to succeed at it. PYM knows how important it is to be able to manage your stress levels so that you can get done everything that needs to be done. Life is hard enough; don’t let brain fog make it any harder than it needs to be. 
