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How To Improve Mental Clarity


How To Improve Mental Clarity

You don’t always have to be mentally “on,” but being able to improve the amount of mental clarity you have can really help you feel like you have more control over your life. Life is full of ups and downs, and there is plenty of it that we have no control over, which is why being able to take charge of the things that you can is so important. If you’ve wanted to improve your mental clarity, look no further! PYM is here for you, with some life hacks that you can start using today to feel a little less brain foggy and a little more clear.

What Causes That “Foggy” Feeling?

If you’ve ever experienced brain fog, you know how frustrating it can be. It can feel like you’re trying to mentally slog through quicksand, with every step taking much more energy than it should. It can cause you to feel confused, indecisive, and even tired. It can even make you irritable. But what causes it?

Because brain fog isn’t something that can be diagnosed by a medical professional (at least, not at this point in time), research into it hasn’t been as comprehensive as it could be. However, it has been narrowed down to a few more likely causes, which can also help people to have a solid place to start trying to fix it. 

  • Diet - Certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies (like vitamin B-12) can lead to brain fog, but it isn’t just a lack of certain things that does it. Brain fog may also be triggered by eating too much dairy or MSG, or having a diet with too many simple carbs or sugars. 
  • Medications - Sometimes, brain fog is a side effect of a medication (or medications) that are required to treat a health condition. This is something that should always be discussed with your doctor.
  • Sleep - Obviously, if you’re not getting enough regular sleep, your brain doesn’t have the right tools and support that it needs to function at its best level. The CDC recommends that adults get at least seven solid hours of sleep every night.
  • Health conditions - Brain fog can also be a symptom of a few different medical conditions. Common causes include underactive thyroid, diabetes, and anemia (iron deficiency).
  • Hormones - Sometimes brain fog happens during certain periods of a person’s life where their hormones are most “out of whack,” like pregnancy and menopause.
  • Stress - And finally, stress. Stress can cause brain fog in a number of ways, from anxiety-triggered disassociation to just feeling generally distracted. 

The Importance of Mental Clarity

Mental clarity is one of the things that many of us take for granted until we’re going through a period where it doesn’t come quite as easily. When you have mental clarity, you are able to focus on what you need to without being pulled away by distraction. You are also able to see things more clearly, which allows you to be able to make educated, non-emotional decisions. Think of mental clarity as being sure of the ground on which you’re standing. It can literally change your entire perspective.

How To Improve Mental Clarity

Improving mental clarity starts first with being able to identify the potential causes that may apply to your life. If you’ve been feeling foggy lately, it’s a good idea to start with a visit to your health practitioner to rule out any medical conditions and discuss the side effects of any medications that you may be on. They can also do bloodwork to help identify any vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

If you’ve ruled out a medical cause, it’s time to look into the other factors. 

Try Changing Your Diet

To really take a close look at your diet, try to keep a comprehensive food journal for at least a few days. Write down everything that you are eating and its nutritional content. You may find that you’re eating a lot more sugar than you should be or that you’re not eating enough protein or complex carbs. Consider working with a nutritionist to help create a more well-balanced diet, and give your brain the right nutrients it needs to thrive. In the same vein, using a supplement like PYM Mood Chews that can help use trigger the body’s natural stress reduction responses can also help make a difference. 

In addition, make sure that you’re drinking enough water every day. Dehydration can also cause brain fog, and most people aren’t drinking as much as they should be. 

Meditate More

A major part of mental clarity is mindfulness. It can be hard to really focus and get things done when your thoughts are always being drawn to the past or the future and not existing as often in the current moment. When you meditate, you learn to quiet that extra noise so that you can live in the present. This also helps you to identify when the thoughts that you’re having aren’t helpful or even “real,” and instead of coming from negative self talk.

See A Therapist

If you’re ruled out other causes of brain fog, and you still seem to be struggling, consider seeing a licensed therapist. Sometimes it takes a trained professional to help you really sort through your thoughts and deal with the root cause of your stress, anxiety, and depression. Having a neutral perspective help you develop better, more healthy coping skills is worth its weight in gold.

In Summary

Mental clarity is key to being able to get things done, whether that is being productive at your job, having a good relationship with your family, or even having a greater sense of self-confidence. When brain fog creeps in, identifying the root cause and knowing how to clear it away can help you move through those periods and get back onto solid ground. PYM Mood Chews can support you while you’re working on yourself by helping to naturally manage the body’s hormones to reduce feelings of stress and being overwhelmed. We all need a little help sometimes. 
