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Not for me, didn't work sleep wise, but gave me a headache.
Get to a restful state with a premium amino-infused magnesium blend that has been most proven to support stress and mental well-being.
• Formulated by Neuroscientists and Nutritional Psychiatrists
• Manufactured in the USA
• Natural Ingredients
• Gluten Free
• No Sugar
Make PYM a part of your daily routine with a monthly auto-refill to experience the best results.
"We hope our long journey to discovering a mental hygiene practice
that works becomes your short cut!"
When Zak Williams lost his father, Robin Williams, to suicide, his mental health struggles went into overdrive. His wife, Olivia June, turned him on to amino acid therapy after she had success regulating her mood with amino acid dietary supplements recommended by her doctor.
Zak started to feel better - like himself again. Zak and Olivia decided these safe, effective and natural solutions needed to be more accessible to others. Together, they created PYM (Prepare Your Mind) so you can prepare your mind to handle everyday stressors.
Zak Williams, Co-Founder & CEO
Olivia June Williams, Co-Founder
Dr. Raghu Appasani is an Integrative Psychiatrist, Neuroscientist, and Social Entrepreneur focused on bridging the gap between western and eastern practices to create a wholesome society by taking a proactive approach to health.
Dr. Nicole Beurkens, PHD is the world's leading holistic child psychologist. She has dedicated her 25 year career to providing parents with simple, effective, research-based strategies that get to the root of children's attention, anxiety, mood, and behavior challenges so they can reach their highest potential.
This yuzu drink tastes great anytime, so find what works best for you. We suggest giving magnesium a try 1-2 hours before bed for better sleep. If that’s not for you, try it first thing in the morning!
Mood Magnesium: Get to a restful state with a premium amino-infused magnesium blend formulated to support stress.
Magnesium is an essential mineral that supports a lot of healthy brain functions. Mood magnesium uses 3 different magnesiums that are most absorbed by the brain and specifically support your cognitive functions and stress response.
• Magnesium L-threonate - The most absorbed magnesium by the brain for cognitive functioning and calm the central nervous system
• Magnesium Glycinate - Easily absorbed to produce a calming effect, a balanced mood, and improved sleep.
• Magnesium Malate - Magnesium and malic acid (salt found in apples) have been proven to boost mood and support effects on anxiety.
Taking Magnesium routinely has been proven to help regulate the neurotransmitters that affect mood, such as serotonin, dopamine, and GABA which can help to reduce stress and anxiety while also imrpoving your sleep.
Get into a restful state with a premium magnesium blend that most supports stress. Magnesium is known for having a calming effect putting you into a more relaxed mood state. Magnesium is also great for sleep but could make you a bit drowsy. Taking Mood Magnesium before bedtime is a great option to fall asleep faster and increase your quality of sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed.
No stress if you missed a day! Just continue on your mental hygiene journey by taking a regular dose the following day.
You can modify your subscription by texting 833-223-8997 and push back your next charge date if you missed more days than intended.
When you subscribe to PYM's Mental Hygiene Kit, you will recieve a delivery every 30 days. PYM will text and email you before your subscription is re-ordered as a reminder of any upcoming charges. PYM's Mental Hygiene supplements are meant to be taken daily so we recommend you subscribe and save for long term benefits. You can cancel or skip your subscription at any time by texting "modify" to 833-223-8997.
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